The Eagles Mix Café & The Eagles Sugar Blast Café provides students with authentic experiences related to the food service industry. The Eagles Mix Café is run in an industrial kitchen located in the north building at the Lewis and Clark School.

Student responsibilities include:

  • follow recipes to prepare food and beverages
  • prepare the kitchen for service
  • take orders from staff and students
  • make deliveries
  • calculate change (cashier)
  • prepare utensils for food to be delivered
  • fulfill catering orders
  • deliver menus
  • clean the kitchen at the end of each day

Each student must follow his/her assigned tasks for the period while working under the supervision of the staff. There are two teachers and several paraprofessionals to monitor student progress. Students are observed/critiqued for their level of independence, accuracy, and job skills development. Students who participate in this food service internship at The Eagles Mix Café & The Eagles Sugar Blast Café learn to follow schedules, recipes, and follow directives. The program provides experiences that match transition goals for employment in the food service industry and help students develop the job skills necessary for a resume building in an increasingly competitive marketplace.




School Food

Cafe Website