Student's Events
Student's Events
School Year 2024-2025
PE Department Winter Carnival Activity
P12X Garden Video
The P12X @ 562X site is so excited to have begun gardening at our school. We have partnered with The Food Stream Network that teaches us gardening, healthy eating, and healthy cooking. We started this summer with setting up garden beds and planted various vegetables and plants. Three days a week we go out and maintain the garden while learning valuable lessons in healthy lifestyles. The DOE Food Education vendor, FoodStream Learn, blends common core skills with hands-on cooking, gardening, and interactive gaming to deepen students’ relationship to diet, health, food origins, and sustainability, as well as math and English. This is vital to our future and we are having fun doing it!
P12X Friday Family Movie Night 2024
During our October 2024 Friday Family Movie Night on October 11th, we had 18 family members join us to enjoy the latest Bettlejuice, Bettlejuice 2024! The families had a great time. It was a beautiful and quiet evening with snacks and socializing with their peers. The families are already anticipating our next movie night on Friday, November 8th at 5 pm sharp. Hope to see you all there.