School Trips & Special Events
School Year 2022-2023
Student participation in class trips will be determined by their behavior in a particular class. If a student receives a poor conduct grade in a class, it indicates that self-control may be lacking. Any lack of self-control can result in potentially dangerous or irresponsible behavior, especially outside the security of our school building. Therefore, if a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in a specific subject, or is suspended because of inappropriate behavior, the subject class teacher can exclude him/her from a class trip. Since most class trips are educationally based, students excluded from class trips will be responsible for and expected to complete subject-appropriate work assigned by the subject teacher.
For students to participate in special school activities, like school dances, class trips, school clubs or athletic teams, our staff will review student conduct grades on each report card to determine if students have met the appropriate standard of behavior. We will use a simple formula. Any student who receives any combination of the following conduct grades, 2 “U”s, 1 “N” and I “U”, or 3 “N”s in a marking period, will be excluded from participation.
* Seniors: For activities such as the senior prom, senior trip or any other senior school event, students receiving a total of 10 poor conduct grades or more by the end of the third marking period will not be allowed to participate. In addition, any student with multiple suspensions during the 2016-17 school- year will forfeit participation in all senior activities. A suspension in the 4th marking period will preclude an individual from senior activities as well.